Rabbit Fertilizer


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Pick up at the farm site or $5 for delivery.

We want to share the fertile goodness that our rabbits make in the course of living. We are repurposing our feed bags as well, so that’s fun!

Rabbit manure acts as both an organic fertilizer & a soil amendment. It provides micronutrients & the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) at 2-1-1. As a cold manure, it releases nutrients slowly & decreases the amount of manure that is needed in subsequent years. As it’s sold dried, it has more concentrated nutrients than fresh manures!

As a soil amendment, rabbit fertilizer supports in increasing aeration, water infiltration, moisture holding capacity, decreased soil density, and add a valuable source of bacteria that help convert certain nutrients to forms that are more useable to the plant.

Rabbit manure has 4x more nutrients than cow/horse manure & 2x as rich as chicken manure (cited from Michigan State University Extension Program). Rabbits have unique digestive systems! Their poop is dry & firm & doesn’t really smell. It doesn’t “burn” plants, and can be used to top dress a lawn, mulch roses, veggies, and flowers, and can supercharge your compost to create an earthworm paradise.



Spread evenly at base of plant & water into soil

1 cup every 3 weeks for plants up to 1 gal

2 cups every 3 weeks for plants 2-5 gal



Apply liberally to 1 foot radius around the base of the plant and water as one regularly would. After 2 weeks work manure down into soil to improve soil quality and water generously.

2-4 cups of manure every 2 weeks for optimal nutrition

(cold manure doesn’t over-fertilize, you can’t mess up)

We’re reusing the bags that the rabbit feed comes in!

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